Well, I keep racking in the firsts!
Today is my first Malaria Monday at my host family. Every Monday I have to take a pink malaria pill; I encourage you to eat a pink life savor or gummy vitamin in celebration of this wonderful holiday! :) My first official Malaria Monday was last Monday, but I figure it shouldn't count. Why? Well I was so tired, sleep deprived, and homesick that I really couldn't have felt any of the nasty side effects of the malaria pill. So I figure if I"m going to get any of them, this will be my first time actually having the nausea, upset stomach, hallucinations, or vivid dreams. I mean you can't have vivid dreams if you can't sleep, right?! I've been sleeping pretty well for a week now, so we'll see how tonight goes.
Yesterday I went to my first church service here. Mass was in English, with bits spoken in Cebuano. I followed along alright. I went with my host family, and fortunately they bought me a fan because it was really hot. Before I left I thought that being from Florida would give me kind of a heads-up on the weather here, but oh my goodness does air conditioning make a difference!
Second first, and hopefully not to happen for a very long time, a blackout! All Sunday the power was shut down, from 9am to 5:47pm. It was 47 minutes after they said it would be turned back on. I may have been counting the minutes :) I guess whenever they have to work on the powerlines in town they shut down all the power. I'll be prepared next time though, I've learned several places in town that run off generators. So the next time there is a blackout you can find me either at McDonald's, Jollibees, or the National Book Store.
Today my homesickness was much better. I actually didn't cry at all until this afternoon when I went to check my e-mail. I really love getting e-mail :) I hope everyone is starting to dry out after all the rain Florida got! I'm definitely thinking about you all. Tomorrow I'm excited because I will have my first observation at the school I will be working at for 3 months.
I know...another first!